“I am returning the echo of a point in time…”

by Katie Gomez October 28, 2010
Thumbnail image for “I am returning the echo of a point in time…”

I added this as an afterthought yesterday, so this section of the post didn’t go out to subscribers….figured I’d resend cuz you’re worth it. Working off my own thoughts on self promotion, I’ve got a bit of a giveaway. BuildASign has been kind enough to print Gonzo bumper stickers and window decals for my readers, […]

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“Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash…”

by Katie Gomez October 27, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash…”

The subject of marketing and advertising is a particularly sore one with me because it’s my industry…my bread and butter. Or at least it was. Finding yourself in a position of having to struggle for work in this economy—fighting for the only slice of bread and the last pat of butter—is absolutely no fucking fun […]

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“Meek and obedient you follow the leader…”

by Katie Gomez October 20, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Meek and obedient you follow the leader…”

My first recollection of getting pissed during a church sermon was when I was probably about 12 years old and got told I was a sheep. I generally like the wooly things but I knew I was being told I shouldn’t question—just have faith and follow—and even at that age it rubbed me like…uhh, wool. […]

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“Just need a little brain salad surgery…”

by Katie Gomez October 14, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Just need a little brain salad surgery…”

Consider this Thursday night leftovers—pulling together odds and ends that should really be eaten before they spoil. A bunch of shit has been coming and going past my desk and I keep saying “ooh, gotta write about that before I forget” and then…well…I forget. For all intents and purposes, this serves as an homage to […]

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WORDLESS….uhh…THURSDAY: “Why does it hurt when I pee?…”

by Katie Gomez October 14, 2010
Thumbnail image for WORDLESS….uhh…THURSDAY: “Why does it hurt when I pee?…”
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“My name is (what?), my name is (who?), my name is…”

by Katie Gomez October 6, 2010
Thumbnail image for “My name is (what?), my name is (who?), my name is…”

I realize this topic polarizes people, but at this point I’ve realized I’m too set in my ways to ever see the other side of the argument no matter how open minded I allow myself to be. I have argued more than once that a classic recipe is a classic recipe and if you are […]

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“Won’t you please, please help me…”

by Katie Gomez September 30, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Won’t you please, please help me…”

Perhaps it’s stating the painfully obvious but I’m a little weird, and I think maybe you are, too. Otherwise why would you be reading this blog? I straddle a very precarious line between technology’s detachment from physicality and the need for a tactile attachment to what’s quickly becoming “vintage.” For as much as I load […]

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“Give it away, give it away, give it away now…”

by Katie Gomez September 23, 2010
Thumbnail image for “Give it away, give it away, give it away now…”

It’s been a really long time since I had something to give away to you guys, but this one should prove to be a lot of fun. I don’t know if any of you have ever heard of the British TV series Black Books, but the main character is the owner of a small bookshop […]

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WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: “Baby is it sweet, sweet, sweet the sting…”

by Katie Gomez September 22, 2010
Thumbnail image for WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: “Baby is it sweet, sweet, sweet the sting…”
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“I’ve been to the edge, and there I stood and looked down…”

by Katie Gomez September 21, 2010
Thumbnail image for “I’ve been to the edge, and there I stood and looked down…”

The parallels between music and gastronomy, be it food, wine, beer, spirits…whatever, are so numerous and so tightly drawn that experiencing them casually—with no emotional attachment whatsoever—is to do them an injustice. Sure, I guess there’s mindless music (I’d throw disco in that category) that isn’t really meant to touch the soul as easily as […]

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