WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – "We believed we'd catch the rainbow…"

by Katie Gomez May 19, 2010
Thumbnail image for WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – "We believed we'd catch the rainbow…"
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"Times were hard but now they're changing…"

by Katie Gomez May 13, 2010

So which is it that you want first, the good news or the bad news? Tough nuggies, my choice. The bad news is that Austria is unfortunately still an under-appreciated wine region. The good news? That Austria is still an under-appreciated wine region. So while it pisses me off to no end that these guys’ […]

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"You just keep on using me, until you use me up…"

by Katie Gomez May 10, 2010

I realize that everyone and their mother is doing their part to be “green” nowadays, and that trying to undo decades worth of damage weighs heavy on most people’s minds in addition to preventing any further pillaging and abuse. So when I’m sent products for review that make the most of the crap we leave […]

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WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – "Frozen here, on the ladder of my life…"

by Katie Gomez May 5, 2010
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“But what is and what should never be…”

by Katie Gomez May 3, 2010

To say that I have a penchant for being opinionated is no doubt to understate the obvious. Whether it’s the only proper way to make a martini, the correct way to define “barbecue,” or the ingredients that do and don’t belong in a caprese salad, some things are just black and white in my culinary […]

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"I have my dreams like everybody else, but they're out of reach…"

by Katie Gomez April 27, 2010

Austria is, no doubt, known for its children, boasting among them Sigmund Freud, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gustav Klimt. But if you ask most people where good European Riesling comes from, they will almost always tell you Germany, and perhaps if you’re lucky, France, but never Austria. Wiener Schnitzel, sure. Riesling, not so […]

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"I was always thinking of games that I was playing…"

by Katie Gomez April 26, 2010

May 8th, which is only 2 weeks away at this point (didn’t we just celebrate the new year?!), marks the Wine Century Club’s 5th birthday. For those of you that live under a bone-dry rock, the Club’s only membership prerequisite is that you’ve tasted at least 100 different grape varieties—no yearly dues, no application fees. […]

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"Waiting just to catch your eye…"

by Katie Gomez April 22, 2010

So I’m sitting here at the computer with Thin Lizzy’s “Waiting For an Alibi” blaring on my iTunes, and thinking how apropos the lyrics are for a Food Network theme song, at a moment where its stench of desperation can be sensed from the bottom of a septic tank in East Bumfuck, Kansas. Valentino’s in […]

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WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – " 'Cause we came here to set this party off right…"

by Katie Gomez April 21, 2010
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"Chicken Little tells you that the sky is fallin'…"

by Katie Gomez April 19, 2010

For those of you who don’t read Wine Spectator (god I hope that’s most of you) and who can’t seem to manage to stay on top of every piece of legislation that passes through Washington’s corridors all by yourself, please, for the love of all that’s wine-soaked, familiarize yourself with HR 5034. House Resolution 5034 […]

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