"Smokin, smokin. We're cookin' tonight…"

by Katie Gomez May 13, 2009

When your day begins with a glass (oh, OK, a couple of glasses) of a sparkling rosé from Alsace, there’s not a whole lot to complain about. See that baby right there on the right? That was my Mother’s Day gift. Appropriately enough, I set the smoker up next to the grill that was also […]

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"Through all these cities and all these towns, it's in my blood and it's all around…"

by Katie Gomez May 8, 2009

I was asked not long ago, to write a piece about how good food & wine are important to experience in bridging cultural differences. Given that I’m the type of person that begins to scope out potential restaurants and wineries the moment travel plans are even considered, the two obviously rank high on my priority […]

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"See the face on the billboard, that man is me…"

by Katie Gomez May 5, 2009

How damned cool is that, huh? How long have you wished that someone would slap your name on a wine bottle? Gonzo Gastronomy FTW!!! I’m farting around on Twitter a few weeks ago and someone makes the following offer (more or less, folks…my memory is as good as my skiing): Hey bloggers, want to see […]

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"No, woman, no cry. No, woman, no cry…"

by Katie Gomez May 1, 2009

It became abundantly clear that I had no business being in a kitchen the moment that I realized I had put the Cornish hens in the oven upside-fucking-down— and yes, that is a technical culinary term in case you were wondering. By the time I realized my error, their asses had already turned a beautifully […]

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"'Cause it's too darn hot, it's too darn hot…"

by Katie Gomez April 29, 2009

When the weather gets hot, a lot of people lose their appetite. I’m not one of those people, mind you, but I have heard that it’s been known to happen. Granted, I’m not running to the oven to make an oxtail stew when the outdoor thermometer actually starts to sweat, but if hot weather is […]

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"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose…"

by Katie Gomez April 22, 2009

I found myself involved in 2 completely separate conversations this week that quickly devolved into me ranting (what a concept) about the current state of both wine blogging and wine journalism. I distinguish the two because, in my not-so-humble opinion, most wine bloggers out there don’t fit into the category I consider to be journalism—these […]

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"Your true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow…"

by Katie Gomez April 17, 2009

I remember once having a conversation with a friend who was ranting about a co-worker who had sent him to get an item that she described as being chartreuse. So I pick up the phone and hear, “What the FUCK is chartreuse, Katie?” It was a tough one to answer because it could’ve been one […]

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"Kid you good a'lookin' but you don't a'know what's cookin'…"

by Katie Gomez April 14, 2009

There was supposed to be an umbrella in the car—or at least that was my recollection of the conversation. But as 5 of us pulled into a parking spot just off 187th Ave. in The Bronx in my little red Mazda 3, the hopes of finding that blasted umbrella washed down the sewer drains with […]

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"And it's half past four and I'm shifting gear…"

by Katie Gomez April 8, 2009

Listen up, male readers. This is mindless, inane babble but valuable nonetheless, for we are never too old to learn. This post has absolutely no snarky commentary about the wine industry, no life-altering recipes to make you drool, and absolutely no profanity—but please keep reading anyway. At some point or another you will all be […]

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"When you realize you don't know what you just read…"

by Katie Gomez April 6, 2009

If I hand you a bottle of Rioja that’s label reads “Gran Reserva” (don’t hold your breath, OK?) you can bet the farm that it has received a minimum of five years aging prior to release, of which at least two years must have been in oak. If I then reach into my bag of […]

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