"Yeah I am the knuckle, bow down and buckle…"

by Katie Gomez January 22, 2009

Sauvignon blanc is one of those wines that expresses itself completely differently depending on where it’s made. To say you do or don’t like SB is no more useful than saying you do or don’t like ale—too many variables are involved. Some people can’t stand the grassy New Zealand SBs with that faint (or not-so-faint) […]

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"I have never felt such frustration, or lack of self control…"

by Katie Gomez January 20, 2009

It’s taken years of introspection, months of mindfulness, and countless days of self awareness, but what I have come to realize is that I, Katie Pizzuto, am a tool. Not to be confused with an implement or handy piece of equipment, I am instead, a meek pawn, powerless to the allure of two things: wine […]

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“How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look…”

by Katie Gomez January 19, 2009

I was one of those people that, for years, was taken in by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I read countless books about the disastrous day, and even labored through a copy of transcripts from The House Select Committee on Assassinations’ investigation, looking for answers I’d never find. And what I’ve learned […]

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"It's all designed to blow our minds, but our minds won't really be blown…"

by Katie Gomez January 16, 2009

I get bombarded on a daily basis, by emails from PR and marketing firms in the food/wine industry. Some of these are press releases, and others are merely round-ups of headlines from major publications. And it never fails to amaze me just how much crap is being written and read out there. The worst are, […]

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"Cuz teacher, there are things that I don't want to learn…"

by Katie Gomez January 14, 2009

I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again if for no other reason than I like to re-read my well-honed truisms: Cooking is about control and eating is about submission. Unfortunately, for the most part, few people like to truly be in a position of complete submission. Relinquishing control doesn’t come easy […]

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"Baby, this town rips the bones from your back…"

by Katie Gomez January 12, 2009

New Jersey has plenty of things wrong with it, most importantly that it’s not New York. I say that with the cruel-to-be-kind love of a native resident, and I mean it. But what bugs me most about my home state is that I can’t receive wine directly from wineries, be they in-state or out-of-state. Why? […]

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"We talk just like lions, but we sacrifice like lambs…"

by Katie Gomez January 9, 2009

I am many things. Among those “things” are being a mother and being a sharp-witted wiseass. I’m not alone, either. The blogosphere is littered with us. But what I’ve learned from cyberspace is that it’s REALLY difficult to convey sarcasm and irony on a computer screen when there is no inflection in your voice, no […]

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"I'm near the end, and I just ain't got the time…"

by Katie Gomez January 8, 2009

It was 2:30am in Miami, and we had just left a nightclub with my brother and his fiancé. Knowing there was a 10-year-old sleeping soundly at his grandparent’s house who’d be up at the crack of dawn anxious to hit the beach, I was thankful to be heading home, despite the fact that at that […]

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"All going down, looking for the tango king…"

by Katie Gomez January 7, 2009

You may find this hard to believe, but there are, in fact, people in this world who either can’t or don’t want to have an array of wines served alongside their 10-course tasting menu. Among them are pregnant women, 12-year-olds, those on antibiotics, and those who simply don’t like wine (i.e. weirdos). Seriously, though, there […]

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"We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now…"

by Katie Gomez January 5, 2009

Cubans get many of their cultural traditions from either those lovely conquering Spaniards across the pond, or the Africans brought over on their slave ships. And we can actually thank Spanish grape growers for one in particular that we practice every New Year’s Eve. When grape growers in Alicante had a huge production surplus in […]

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