"Nobody does it better, makes me feel sad for the rest…"

by Katie Gomez September 23, 2008

So I’m sitting in a bathroom in New York City, staring at a shelf full of really cool wine books and listening to Jimi Hendrix being piped in through speakers, and I’m thinking two things: A) I really need to rethink my bathroom at home and B) this evening could not have been any better […]

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"Although I like the Chalet Swiss, I like the sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan…"

by Katie Gomez September 19, 2008

A few weeks ago a list was thrown out into blogging cyberspace called The Omnivore’s 100 by the food/wine blog Very Good Taste. I’m gonna preface this by saying that I can’t stand lists, so it’s not an exclusive rant at the author. Even things like “Top 10 Desert Island Albums” drive me nuts because, […]

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"One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small…"

by Katie Gomez September 18, 2008

“VINTAGE RESVERATROL 100% – With Every 750mg Capsule You Will Receive the Benefit of Resveratrol found in About 100 Glasses of French Red Wine” I shit you not. And why FRENCH wine, you may ask. Well, because “French wine extract yields the most bio-available form of Resveratrol found in nature,” that’s why. I’m actually laughing […]

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"Soapbox, house of cards and glass, so don't go tossin' your stones around…"

by Katie Gomez September 17, 2008

Dhonig of the wine blog 2 Days Per Bottle is hosting today’s Wine Blogging Wednesday, and for his theme he asked wine bloggers, “What will you drink to toast the end of the Bush era?” The answer to this came to me quicker than I ever thought possible, for although I’m a bubbles kind of […]

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"They disguise it, hypnotize it, television made you buy it…”

by Katie Gomez September 16, 2008

I got an email from an old friend a couple of weeks ago and we began to catch each other up on our lives. She mentioned having a toddler that she’s breastfeeding now, and how she has a glass of wine with dinner (and had a glass here or there during the pregnancy) despite the […]

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"I was alone, I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there…"

by Katie Gomez September 14, 2008

I recently proved myself wrong about something, which is a difficult task in and of itself because, as an Aries, I’m never wrong. I thought I was once or twice, but I was mistaken. See, I always thought that the greatest happiness to be derived out of cooking a great meal was in the pleasure […]

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"I've seen the lights go out on Broadway, I saw the Empire State laid low…"

by Katie Gomez September 11, 2008

Image by Rob Beilby Tuesday’s sunshine dancing on the beggar’s dirty face, passing steam-riddled blacktop, cracked backs and wailing. Bakers and fishmongers, smell of a city waking, bootleg vendors on cold street corners. Two great arms outstretched, yawning, kitchen prep work over boom box radios and Spanglish conversations, delivery trucks, squealing brakes, curses spat at […]

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"We could jam in Joe's Garage, his mama was screamin', his dad was mad…"

by Katie Gomez September 9, 2008

I realize that the more I go around shooting my mouth off about great places and great companies, the harder it will be for me to get into those great places or get wines from those great companies, but I can’t spend all my time bitching, can I? The truth is that, even though this […]

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"I'm the man in the box, buried in my…"

by Katie Gomez September 8, 2008

I’ve got a client that makes, among other things, wood stains and finishes for outdoor use. Their marketing efforts are obviously very skewed toward men, including the magazines in which they advertise. Each year I spend a couple of weeks putting together ad campaigns for these products, and every year it’s the same stuff, recycled, […]

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"Some useless information, supposed to fire my imagination…"

by Katie Gomez September 5, 2008

ONE OF A GAZILLION REASONS WHY RATINGS ARE USELESS: You’re sitting at a cozy table in the latest hip restaurant, you’ve just decided that you’re gonna give the Pomegranate-Glazed Duck Breasts a go, and now you’ve gotta tackle that tome they call a wine list. In your pocket there’s a cute little digital gizmo that […]

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