“I’m on top of the world looking down on creation…”

by Katie Gomez March 20, 2011
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To be voted the best restaurant in the world is no doubt an insanely flattering honor, and an ego boost to be sure. Chefs and restauranteurs spend thankless lifetimes just trying to run a successful business, much less earn a star or two from the New York Times or Michelin. To receive that title five […]

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“Teach me now, I know I’m not a hopeless case…”

by Katie Gomez March 6, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Teach me now, I know I’m not a hopeless case…”

You are a moron. A pardonable crime, to be sure…nearly victimless unless you count yourself the victim of your own moronicness (a gonzo word, I promise you). You’ve no doubt spent many years drinking wine, and with any luck at all many of those years have been spent drinking the wines of other countries, not […]

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“Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer…”

by Katie Gomez February 27, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer…”

Him: Yo, hon, we got any beer up here? (head stuck in kitchen fridge as if he were spelunking) Me: Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s a bottle of Samichlaus left there. The rest is in the beer fridge downstairs. Him: No, babe, this is malt liquor. I want a beer. Me: Malt liquor is beer. […]

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“Difficult to dance ’round this one…”

by Katie Gomez February 19, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Difficult to dance ’round this one…”

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Trader Joe’s and their inoffensively priced, high-quality food. Walking through one of their stores puts you in a sort of tree-hugging, granola-crunching groove that makes you feel good about the food you’re buying. It’s Whole Foods without the Whole Paycheck.  And over the last couple […]

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“Each day is Valentine’s Day…”

by Katie Gomez February 10, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Each day is Valentine’s Day…”

You’ve got to hand it to those crafty marketing gurus who managed to turn Valentine’s Day into the money-making faux lovefest that it is today. There is nothing—absolutely nothing—like dueling for reservations at a restaurant that is bound to serve a limited “special” menu (from which they’ll no doubt run out of half the items), […]

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“I went from Phoenix, Arizona all the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A…”

by Katie Gomez February 2, 2011
Thumbnail image for “I went from Phoenix, Arizona all the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A…”

By this time we’ve pretty much been beaten over the head with the whole “farm to table” concept. The shorter the daisy chain between the two, the better the end result. No freezing, no canning, no drying…no international shipping, no impersonal buying relationships, no commodities. And if we take that conversation one step further, there’s […]

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“We all need someone we can bleed on…”

by Katie Gomez January 23, 2011
Thumbnail image for “We all need someone we can bleed on…”

It was only a couple of days ago that I was tweeting back and forth with Evan Dawson (blogger for The New York Cork Report and recently published author) about our mutual addiction to books. We jokingly asked publishers to stop putting out so many goddamned intriguing books so we could catch up on our […]

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“Lights out, guerilla radio, turn that shit up…”

by Katie Gomez January 15, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Lights out, guerilla radio, turn that shit up…”

I knock a lot of wine here, despite the fact that I was raised being taught that generalizations are for the ignorant. And I know most of you enjoy it when I knock a wine here and there, if for no other reason than most blogs can’t be bothered to be honestly negative about a […]

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“Everybody got to deviate from the norm…”

by Katie Gomez January 9, 2011
Thumbnail image for “Everybody got to deviate from the norm…”

I’ve got a friend who is a HUGE Rush fan. He’s seen them live more times than he’s visited his in-laws, owns every bootleg known to man, and can recite each member’s biography with the nostalgia of having lived it himself. But one summer night, after a couple of Bombay Sapphire martinis had begun to […]

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WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: “Seconal, spanish fly, absinthe, kerosene…”

by Katie Gomez January 5, 2011
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